Daily Archives: May 21, 2012

May 21st

May 21st is a very special day in the Rank family. On this date last year, I woke up early and quietly, trying my hardest not to disturb Scott. I walked to the bathroom and decoded the Hungarian message for how to properly take a pregnancy test. I was hopeful, but convinced myself I wasn’t pregnant so that I wouldn’t be disappointed when there was only one line, not two. I told myself that these things usually take awhile, sometimes years for some, and that I need to not be discouraged if it didn’t work out. To further push myself to mentally disengage from disappointment, I left the dunked test on the counter and went to make coffee. Truth be told, I think I forgot about it for a few minutes.

When I came to my senses I rushed back into the bathroom to check. Too good to be true, but not! Two lines. The promise of a sweet baby to hold in our arms. The promise that our family would increase by 50%. My mind went a million miles an hour thinking of our future. I was dying to wake up Scott, but instead opted for a creative way to tell him.

I had jokingly told him that if he impregnated me I’d make him waffles. As if anyone needs any further motivation to make a baby besides the recreational components of it! So, I did just that, made waffles. When breakfast was ready I invited Scott to the table, and next to his coffee mug was the test. The message was loud and clear- in my mind. In Scott’s morning daze he sipped his coffee and almost set the mug back down on the test without seeing the test! “No, don’t put that there” I cried. “Look.” He looked, he saw, he realized. We hugged. I cried tears of joy. “We are going to have a baby!”

And, one year later, we are parents of almost 4 month old Ellie Joy, truly a joy.

Some pictures from the journey:

Hearing the heartbeat for the first time and seeing our baby.

Gaining weight rapidly. 7 weeks.











I think 20 weeks pregnant. Half way there!

Vacation in September.

Winter babies require some creativity when it comes to the clothing department.

Ellie’s due date, January 23rd. She was born approximately 17 hours after this photo was taken.

There is no moment like this. And, as it turns out, you can’t photoshop double chins. But, don’t look at me, look at that beautiful baby.



First bath given to her by our incredible midwife.


Ellie is sleepy after our all-nighter. Dad is tuckered out as well, but so proud of his little girl.

She’s been beautiful since the very beginning. And, we love the bows!

This picture reminds me of how cold it was when she was so tiny.

Sweet hair and cute butt.



She used to sleep anywhere and everywhere and all the time.


Then she stopped sleeping so much and wanted to play. And, she is super fun!

Just last week. My big girl.

My big baby. So long!




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Filed under Blessed, Our Daily Life, Pregnancy and Baby